Efraim Jaul is a specialist in geriatrics and family medicine, certified by the Hebrew University of Public Health. He is a senior lecturer at the School of medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Efraim Jaul's academic activity (teaching and research) focuses on pressure ulcers in elderly persons. He has Published about 50 articles in the medical press in Israel and abroad. Also, published 5 books dealing with old age: published by Eshel-JDC, "The Nursing Beard" 2004, the stages of functional decline, coping and treatment; “Stories Told My Patients” 2014, dealing with physical-mental and social situations in old age; "The Medical Guide for the Elderly Traveler", academic publishing, 2002; "The Older Man in the Affair" 2011; "Aspects of health and old age are clearly valuable tools for the Torah" 2015. Has worked at Herzog Medical Center since 1991.
Geriatrics and Family Medicine