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Vladimir Emelyanenko

Vladimir Emelyanenko, PhD
Scientific Director
First Clinical Medical Center Ltd, Russia

Vladimir Emelyanenko was born in 1953. The main areas of clinical work: are cardiology, internal medicine, and psychotherapy. He took part in the examination of sailors who suffered as a result of the accident of the nuclear reactor of the nuclear submarine K-19. Based on these materials, in collaboration with Professor E.E. Gogin, he wrote a monograph "Combined Radiation Injuries". In 1988, he provided assistance to the victims of the earthquake in Armenia. The results of treatment were published in several papers, where he outlined the features of wounds and lesions of internal organs that occur with prolonged compression syndrome. He revealed a phenomenon that causes Korotkov sounds, which determine systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Author of more than 100 scientific papers, Professor. From 2015 to the present the chief physician, then the scientific director of the private organization First Clinical Medical Center.

Research Interest

Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Internal Medicine

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